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Pathfinder Mythic Adventures Pdf Free Download

Pathfinder Module: We Be Heroes?

Paizo Inc.

We're Not All Bad

As an undead army pushed forth by the Whispering Tyrant stirs in the Southern Fangwood, driving the local animals to flee in terror, the goblins of the Crookedtoes tribe suddenly find their bellies empty and growling for food. Worse, the tribe's best scout has gone missing, and the chief has tasked the four brightest members of the Crookedtoes to go out into the woods and find out what happened. While searching for the missing scout, the goblins stumble across a wrecked farmhouse on a hill and discover a group of knights camped nearby. Though the knights have retreated from the undead army menacing the area, they have decided to make one last, desperate stand: an endgame doomed to wipe out both the knights and the Crookedtoes settlement. Now, the four goblins must test their mettle—will they emerge as victorious heroes, or fall to the might of the undead scourge?

We Be Heroes? is a Pathfinder Playtest adventure for four 1st-level goblin characters that gives players and GMs alike a taste of the upcoming Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The adventure adds a twist to the familiar modules We Be Goblins!, We Be Goblins Too!, We Be Goblins Free!, We B4 Goblins!, and We Be 5uper Goblins! Paizo's popular series of Free RPG Day adventures!

Pathfinder Society: This module is sanctioned for play in Pathfinder Society.
Download the rules and Chronicle sheet (282 KB zip/PDF)

Pregenerated Characters: This module include four 1st-level goblin characters: Crimsi, Grenek, Pizazz, and Siathorn.
Download the pregenerated characters (909 KB zip/PDF)

Release: This special 16-page Pathfinder adventure was created for Free RPG Day on June 15, 2019. The print edition will be available for sale and a free download will be available on beginning July 1, 2019.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of any subscription.

Print Edition:

Available now

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See Also:

  • Paizo Inc (9,253)
  • Exclusives / Pathfinder (30)
  • Gaming / Roleplaying Games (12,517)
  • Pathfinder / Rulebooks / Pathfinder Playtest (7)

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Private Avatar Auke

We Be 5uper Goblins is missing from the list.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber Arcanist

Woo! A new Goblin tribe and not having to wait until August for more P2? This is awesome and I can't wait to be able to run/play it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber Bag of Devouring


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Ancient Void Dragon

Dagnabbit, goblin levels are now 1 again! We won't ever get those level 20 goblin oneshot at this rate :'D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber Automaton


Pathfinder Card Game, Companion, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber Silver Dragon

Haha, cool!

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Drow Battle Wizard

Count me out.
I have no stomach for another goblin adventure, nor for the playtest rules. :-p

I'm gonna GM "Skitter Crash" instead. ;-)

Yeti Savage

Which rules set will be used in this? Playtest rules or Pathfinder 2nd Ed rules?

Starfinder Charter Superscriber Mad Scientist

PF2: "gives players and GMs alike a taste of the upcoming Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game"

Paizo Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Groetus (Symbol)


We Be Heroes? is a Pathfinder Playtest adventure [...]"

Jhaeman wrote:

PF2: "gives players and GMs alike a taste of the upcoming Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game"

But that's really vague. It could mean anything from "uses the full rules" down to "here's what we're doing with goblins now."

Starfinder Charter Superscriber Mad Scientist

Very true. I guess we'll wait for someone in the know to weigh in.

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Paizo Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Groetus (Symbol)

Why, it's clearly stated that this is an adventure for the Pathfinder Playtest rules.

Starfinder Charter Superscriber Mad Scientist

Yes, but what are those rules? The Playtest book? The 1.6 update? Are they really going to have stuff in the adventure (like Resonance) that we've already been told won't be in 2E? I'm thinking they're going to want it to be as compatible with 2E as they can as a preview and selling point for the game which will be released just several weeks later.

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Paizo Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Groetus (Symbol)

It's certainly not going to use a ruleset that has not been published at the time of Free RPG Day 2019.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber Bag of Devouring

They'll be as compatible as getting the print product ready for June will allow. Meaning: maybe fully, maybe not fully.

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I will be running it locally at Leisure Games, North London. I can promise you there will be no Resonance. A lot of the final rules will be encapsulated in the PreGen characters. We will have fun.... just try and stop us.

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Is there a going to be Society Chronicle for this?

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My local game store got the Free RPG Day material in over a week ago.

The four characters (Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Ranger) have feats like Goblin Song and Inflammable Goblin which I think came out in Update 1.4.

And each one does have RP listed in their stats

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Morlock Slave

Crimsi the Ranger seems to missing a bonus to a stat and does not have a 'Hunters Edge' (so no update 1.6) But Grenek the Barbarian has no explanation for his Rage, Titan mauler ability or the Sluggish condition that comes with it. All the Goblin Heroes have great personality and backstory. Looking forward to Free RPG Day!

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Michael Sayre Private Avatar

Ballistic101 wrote:

Is there a going to be Society Chronicle for this?

There will be a boon-only, no XP, PF2 Chronicle associated with this adventure.

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I'm going to try to make a cheat sheet for the players with explanations of their abilities, feats, and spells since many in our area are not familiar with the play test rules.

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Forge wrote:

I'm going to try to make a cheat sheet for the players with explanations of their abilities, feats, and spells since many in our area are not familiar with the play test rules.

if you make a cheat sheet could you send a link? I am running this module for my local since the store asked me too instead of doing a 5e game but i havent had time to play a PF playtest game yet and just starting to dive in so a cheat sheet for me and players would be super help. let me know if ya can help out

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Don't think I'll have it ready in time for Free RPG Day's official date as my local store is running it a week late because of a scheduling conflict with a Magic Tournament where they are giving away a Mustang to the winner and expect a pretty sizable crowd (the game store is HUGE and can seat 350). So Free RPGs are being ran the week after. If I get anything done I'll link it here but hadn't plan to start working on it until sometime next week.

Bullying Brawler

Michael Sayre wrote:

Ballistic101 wrote:

Is there a going to be Society Chronicle for this?
There will be a boon-only, no XP, PF2 Chronicle associated with this adventure.

When will this boon be made available? Free RPG Day is only 6 days away now!

Paizo Superscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber Goblin

Michael Sayre wrote:

Ballistic101 wrote:

Is there a going to be Society Chronicle for this?
There will be a boon-only, no XP, PF2 Chronicle associated with this adventure.

Will this also count for Playtest Points? and is the boon (or any other benefit) only available for running/playing it on Free RPG day itself?

Danse Macabre

I'm being asked to run this for my Local store and I've only looked briefly at the printed playtest rules and didn't run/participated in the playtest. There was limited interest at my lodge for PF2, (We are on the verge of being able to run our first Tier 7-11 game soon!)

I need to know how much time am I going to need to invest to run this scenario effectively?

Expect 2-3 hours of very fun playtime. I spent all of sunday morning creating almost a dozen additional sheets for players at 10pt font to cover feats and abilities for each pre-gen using the Core Rules and 1.6 update. Without them, the module is nearly unplayable for newcommers or anyone who hasn't memorized the current versions of the races and classes, unless you want to spend hours at the table looking up each reference. Anyone attempting to run without doing the same is going to be woefully frustrated.

Danse Macabre

jimmifett wrote:

Expect 2-3 hours of very fun playtime. I spent all of sunday morning creating almost a dozen additional sheets for players at 10pt font to cover feats and abilities for each pre-gen using the Core Rules and 1.6 update. Without them, the module is nearly unplayable for newcommers or anyone who hasn't memorized the current versions of the races and classes, unless you want to spend hours at the table looking up each reference. Anyone attempting to run without doing the same is going to be woefully frustrated.

Can you share this?

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John Compton Avatar

This module won't grant Playtest Points, but it will include a Chronicle sheet that can be applied to a Second Edition Pathfinder Society character. This provides a few boons but no XP, gold, or other "currencies." One of our mid-week blogs should include download links.

Basically: play, have a great time, and carry a fun extra into the new campaign.

1bent1 wrote:

Can you share this?

Sorry, didn't save the files after printing, I was so fed up with the process.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber Agathion-Blooded Aasimar

John Compton wrote:

This module won't grant Playtest Points, but it will include a Chronicle sheet that can be applied to a Second Edition Pathfinder Society character. This provides a few boons but no XP, gold, or other "currencies." One of our mid-week blogs should include download links.

Basically: play, have a great time, and carry a fun extra into the new campaign.

When will the boon be released?

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Boon is now available.

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I have very quickly thrown together a crib sheet for Goblin players so that we can run this on Saturday. Please beware, it is unofficial and it may include errors. Share this if you feel it may help. Otherwise all players will need their own copy of the Playtest Rules and the six extensive revisions plus recent updates. It's linked from our Pathfinder UK website, in the second paragraph.
I hope Paizo will now add downloads for the character sheets, too. Otherwise players will need to rip pages from the modules and share one side of the page per player.


[Friday morning] Still no downloadable pregen goblins for tomorrow's FREE RPG Day.

Danse Macabre

I am getting a little nervous on this as well.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pawns, Rulebook Subscriber Cayden Cailean

Just downloaded them.

Edit: Oh gods, is that a...

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber Areelu Vorlesh

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Just downloaded them.

Edit: Oh gods, is that a...


Danse Macabre


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our local comic store was supposed to receive this (and I was slated to run it) and I was told yesterday that our store had not gotten their free rpg day shipment. Would it be possible to get a pdf copy so I could at least run it?

Ancient Void Dragon

Aaand I'm confused now because I know this is second time I've seen that "wolf" but I can't remember when was the first time. Was it in a blog?

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber Merfolk

I just downloaded the pregen characters and I am shocked!


They are all of good alignment? And one of them has a poodle for an animal companion?

Somebody really needs to convert the previous goblin heroes to PF2 so that they can be properly dealth with. ;)

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CorvusMask wrote:

Aaand I'm confused now because I know this is second time I've seen that "wolf" but I can't remember when was the first time. Was it in a blog?

Ooh yes, the full goblin party and the druid's wolf companion were first revealed in a blog post for the ACG version of this module! al-Goblins

Pathfinder Adventure, Card Game, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber Gibbering Mouther

Can someone in possession of this tell us if the adventure uses existing Paizo maps, and if yes, which ones, or if they use unique maps (perhaps provide suggestions)? Please remember SPOILER tag.

I'm going to be arriving at a game store 1 hour away, handed the scenario, and I am expected to run these adventures on the fly (with about 1 hr prep.) I'd like to bring what I can already prepped.

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Adam Daigle's private flumph

Sliska Zafir wrote:

Can someone in possession of this tell us if the adventure uses existing Paizo maps, and if yes, which ones, or if they use unique maps (perhaps provide suggestions)? Please remember SPOILER tag.

I'm going to be arriving at a game store 1 hour away, handed the scenario, and I am expected to run these adventures on the fly (with about 1 hr prep.) I'd like to bring what I can already prepped.


The maps are unique to this adventure. There are only two. One is a ruined farmstead (and it pretty simple), and the other is a cavern complex.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Companion, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber Merfolk

Syri wrote:

CorvusMask wrote:

Aaand I'm confused now because I know this is second time I've seen that "wolf" but I can't remember when was the first time. Was it in a blog?
Ooh yes, the full goblin party and the druid's wolf companion were first revealed in a blog post for the ACG version of this module! al-Goblins


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What happened to the Birdcruncher tribe? I was looking forward to continuing their adventures on the astral plane.

Pathfinder Card Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber Bard

Played this yesterday. Had a good time, and would be interested in running it in July, if I can find some time to do so.
Rules questions for those that have read the adventure:

Spoiler for a monster in We Be Heroes?:

How long does the slowed effect from the Cockatrice's calcification attack last? It is clear about how the petrification works once the target is Slowed to zero actions, but if the goblins defeat the Cockatrice and a character becomes Slowed but not petrified, when does that go away? Our GM ruled that it went away in an hour, to coincide with the Wizard freeing herself from the Petrification. (He also clued us in that the petrification seemed to be wearing off, otherwise I don't know why we would have waited around for the hour).

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Goblin Pirate

CorvusMask wrote:

Aaand I'm confused now because I know this is second time I've seen that "wolf" but I can't remember when was the first time. Was it in a blog?

Is not dog! Is wolf!

Attention, fellow perfectionist GMs:
Crimsi the ranger is missing an ability boost!! She needs to spend it on Str, Con, or Cha
Pizzazz the bard is missing his Fascinating Performance background skill feat
Siathorn the druid is missing her Train Animal background skill feat, though it usually requires downtime you don't have

Jhaeman wrote:

Yes, but what are those rules? The Playtest book? The 1.6 update?

Ah, the pregens do have heritages from 1.4, but they have pre-errata trained skills and cantrips. So,

If anyone wants to update to 1.6:

Grenek the barbarian needs +2 trained skills
Pizzazz the bard needs +1 cantrip known and +1 trained skill
Siathorn the druid needs +1 cantrip prepared and +1 trained skill

That's from my first pass; I'll audit the pregens in full later. And, as always, the PF2 Actions Library and Spellfinder are every GM's and every player's very best friends.

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